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The Neighbourhood Plan Team needs your input. By completing a short survey you can help frame Parish Council policy in […]
A Local Plan defines the planning framework for development across an area. As part of the process of preparing its […]
Venue: Village Hall    Date and time: Tuesday 14th November, 10.00am For information on the meeting itself and a summary […]
Tuesday 12th September sees the ‘Don’t Urbanise the Downs’ campaign relaunched in Plumpton Village Hall. The drop-in event runs from […]
District Council rejects 70-home plan. An appeal by the developers (GDL & The Trustees of The Conyboro 1965 Settlement) is […]
Parish Council Chairman Andy Holman outlines the purpose and potential benefits from the parish’s rekindled Neighbourhood Plan. Read the full […]
Outline Planning permission has been granted for the construction of 26 homes on the Hillside site.The developer, Rydon Homes, posted […]
A planning application for up to 70 new homes off Barcombe Mills Road The Trustees of The Conyboro 1965 Settlement […]
The Parish Council intents to move forward with the parish’s Neighbourhood Plan. Chairman Andy Holman outlines the current position:  As explained […]
Lewes District Council has published the results of its Issues and Options consultation, carried out last year.  Announcing the report’s […]
Action in Rural Sussex (AiRS) invites country dwellers to complete its latest online survey, ‘Rethinking our Local Places and Communities’.  […]
Traffic on Barcombe Mills Road will be disrupted for four days, starting on Monday 11th April. Carole Sneyd, Customer Service […]
Application LW/21/0530 Land north of High Street, Barcombe: Application for 26 dwellings.  On Wednesday 30th March, reserved matters regarding the appearance, […]
Developer Rydon Homes Ltd is to dig exploratory trenches in Hillside Field. The work is planned to start on Tuesday […]
A third vacancy for a Parish Councillor is open. According to the formal Notice of Vacancy (read it here) there […]