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From January 5th tighter restriction apply. Details, plus sources of help and advice, are summed by this update from East […]
On Boxing Day (26th December) all of East Sussex moves from Tier 2 to Tier 4.  Read Government advice and restrictions […]
A survey devised by the Playground Working Group sets out to collect opinion about where any potential new play equipment […]
As the Lewes Local Plan moves towards its fifth anniversary of adoption in May 2021, an important bulletin shows how […]
Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) Katy Bourne Mrs Bourne has launched two surveys  so more residents can comment on […]
Overnight closures coming up From Monday 23rd November, drainage work will close parts of Barcombe Mills Road to through traffic […]
Provisional date for next meetings: December 9th 2020 to be held via Zoom, start time 7.15pm If you wish to […]