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In descending date order

…And it’s the Barcombe Mills Road again, which this time will be shut for all or part of Thursday 31st […]
Hamsey Lane is to be closed for two weeks from the 14th February. Work will centre on its junction with […]
The Parish Council proposes to close a charity set up under the now-dissolved Sports Council. The proposal will be discussed […]
Together with other water companies, South East Water is devising a plan to future-proof drinking water supplies across the region. […]
Traffic flow through Church Road will be limited from 12th January for three days.  East Sussex Highways says:  ‘This is […]
Church Road will be closed on 16th November for patching work. Sussex Highways says:  ‘Works are permitted to take place […]
The Parish Council’s initial response to a planning application for a mobile phone mast on Barcombe Mills Road is included […]
CH Hutchison Networks UK has lodged a planning application for the construction of a 5G mobile phone mast and cabinets […]
From August 2nd-4th, Town Littleworth Road will be closed part-way along its length. Location: Close to Holmans Bridge. Reason: Telegraph […]
On 24th June, BT plans to replace rotted poles in Spithurst Road and Boast Lane. Work is scheduled to last […]
The Annual Meeting of Electors (aka the Annual Village Meeting) will take place, via Zoom, between 6.30pm and 7.30pm on […]
BT Openreach to close Anchor Lane to replace a telephone pole.
Plenty of useful information in 'East Sussex Together', the County Council's information/support bulletin.
The Sussex Health and Care Partnership has put together a wide-ranging list
In his January report to the Parish Council, Chairman Alan Marler pointed out that a shortfall in housing land could […]