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In a robust submission, Barcombe Parish Council has laid out its objections to an appeal by Hutchinson Networks. The appeal […]
The Sussex Association of Local Councils – SALC for short – has produced its first quarterly newsletter.  Covering East and […]
CK Hutchison Networks (UK) Ltd is to appeal against Lewes District Council’s refusal to grant a Prior Approval application (see […]
The Neighbourhood Plan Team needs your input. By completing a short survey you can help frame Parish Council policy in […]
Early May brings the parish’s Annual Meeting of Electors. Held in the Sports Pavilion, the first part of proceedings gives […]
When? 27th March – 3rd April  Where? Boast Lane to Newark Park Road junction (Town Littleworth); distance 667m  Why? Emergency […]
On 18th May, Ovesco is to hold a free event in Lewes Town Hall. Information and tips will be on […]
The Parish Council is considering  establishment of a working group to explore the potential of a Community Land Trust. This […]
Under the ‘citizen science’ umbrella, the Ouse and Adur Rivers Trust wants volunteers to join its ‘River Rangers’ scheme. Work […]
This Wednesday (8th November) sees a Community Cafe open in the Sports Pavilion.  Organisers Susanna Steer and Angela Carter say:  […]
Tuesday 12th September sees the ‘Don’t Urbanise the Downs’ campaign relaunched in Plumpton Village Hall. The drop-in event runs from […]
Whitfield Lane (off Hamsey Road) will be closed for four days in November while South East Water carries out works. […]
District Council rejects 70-home plan. An appeal by the developers (GDL & The Trustees of The Conyboro 1965 Settlement) is […]
Parish Council Chairman Andy Holman outlines the purpose and potential benefits from the parish’s rekindled Neighbourhood Plan. Read the full […]
Will be held on Wednesday May 10th!