CK Hutchison Networks (UK) Ltd is to appeal against Lewes District Council’s refusal to grant a Prior Approval application (see LW/21/0627) for a 15m-tall 5G telecoms mast near Oaktree, on the Barcombe Mills Road. 

 The 2021 decision cited these grounds for refusal:

“By Reason of its size scale and prominence within the streetscene the proposed telecommunications equipment would have an unacceptable siting and would unduly harm the character and appearance of the Barcombe Cross Conservation

To comment, please go to

    • The appeal’s reference number is APP/P1425/W/22/3304539
    • Enter the seven numbers in bold in the reference number above, then choose ‘Make Representation’.
    • Please note that the appeal’s full reference number MUST be quoted in comments. 

Closing date is July 4th 2024.