next PC meetings

Our next meetings are on Monday 8th July, in the Village Hall.

Please note the change of date and venue!


An opportunity exists for a forward-thinking person to join the Parish Council! Contact the Clerk for details. 

grants available

For local groups, voluntary organisations and sports/recreation clubs

Latest news

Scroll down for other recent items

In a robust submission, Barcombe Parish Council has […]
In a robust submission, Barcombe Parish Council has laid out its objections to an appeal by Hutchinson Networks. The appeal […]
The Sussex Association of Local Councils – SALC for short – has produced its first quarterly newsletter. Covering East and West […]

Round the parish


Contact emergency services and utility companies


Faults with electricity or water supply, potholes


General information, and how to comment on an application

Good neighbours

Help in many areas of life, from lightbulbs to transport


Contacts and timetables for trains, buses and taxis

hire our facilities

Book the Sports Pavilion and/or playing fields 

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